Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"I think I might blog.."

Okay, so in the MTV Post-Party wrap-up of UVic 2009 and the subsequent subsiding of first year bliss, I will now blog. Holy shit!

Uh, so I somehow thought that I would become a better, more rounded person after dragging my ass through a year of school. It's more like "One down, three more to go.", and I'm not any wiser. The magical transformation? Still a caterpillar. Whatever.

Okay, what is with TLC and this obsession with little people? I couldn't help but notice that not only is there "The Little Couple" and "Little People, Big World", but now also "The Little Chocolatiers". I don't mean to be offensive, but what TLC is telling me is that if I were like, two feet shorter, I could have a TV show about my super awesome, blogger life. And I could be into that. Maybe I can pitch my ass to TLC for something...

Scene: TLC HQ, programming execs.

Me: Okay, so it's like this: we follow the life of a hefty college gal who works in a coffee shop. And she's quirky. What do you think?

Them: Is she little?

Me: Ah, no. But she's really tall and almost height/weight proportionate.

Them: We think you've got something here.

And bam, I'm rolling in the Bordens. Or Lauriers. Or any other Canadian currency. G's up, hoes down.

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