Saturday, June 5, 2010


My birthday has come and gone, thus thrusting me into the category of a "twenty-something".

I got a rather unique present for my birthday - snow! Now, granted I was in Calgary for my birthday, but really? Snow in practically June? That's just absurd.

Boyfriend: "I swear, it's not usually like this. You'll like it here! I promise! Really!".

Calgary is complete and utter urban sprawl. I was saucer-eyed for a good 2/3 of our trip, shocked and amazed at how every single borough looks the exact same as the previous. And also, slightly paranoid about the very obvious police presence. "It's mostly safe here," said boyfriend's policeman uncle. "Like, an occasional dismemberment; some floaters in the river. Nothing big." Thanks for the reassurance, man.

In a sudden twist of maturity, I now have difficulty saying 'swear words' out loud. Like, I used to be able to string out sentences entirely comprised of my favourite adult phrases, but now I can barely even whisper what the fuck without feeling incredibly awkward and inappropriate. Y'know, I think it might be less of a maturity thing and more of like...Bump can sort of talk now, and she repeats everything. Previously potty-mouthed conversations have now mellowed out completely; trash words became innocent euphemisms.

Me: "Yeah, that mean lady was really making me unhappy. I wanted to tickle her."
B: "What the french toast, man."


Me: "Yeah, that bitch was pissing me off. I wanted to punch that cunt out."
B: "What the fuck, man."

Something like that. 'kay, happy Caturday!

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