Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good lord.

I guess you could say I'm a fan of that guy up there, which is really interesting because I'm a total atheist. True story.

It's probably comparable to the way I feel about Elliot Smith or any other person I've posted in idolatry - some people are just awesome and worth adoration!

Here's why Jesus is cool, and why you're allowed to think Jesus is cool, even if (like myself) you feel awkward and sinful walking past churches on your way to the bus.

1. Jesus made a lot of quotes for himself that people still wander around saying, sometimes without even realizing that he originally said them. I am guilty of this. I am known to tell people "do unto others as you would have done unto you" (which is extremely hard to stammer out when you've been drinking, by the way) and only tonight did I finally google it and see who said it. And I sat there, dumbfounded, before finally saying:
"Alright, Jesus, you win this one."

2. Jesus had a fuck-ton of followers because he had a real interest in helping them, which is something that isn't too common nowadays. Most of the time, I see people hide behind their iPod's earphones and avoid homeless folks downtown. There's nothing wrong with homeless folks, except for they haven't got homes. This wouldn't have bothered Jesus, I imagine. In fact, I imagine him pulling his earbuds out (I assume he's listening to either Gregorian chants or Neil Young) and pulling up some curb to hang out and help out anyone who needs it. You go, Jesus.

3. Jesus died for no real reason except for that everyone else was being an asshole. In fact, he didn't even really understand why he had to die. And I quote: "My God, why have you forsaken me?" I think I'd be saying something completely different, if my ankles were having metal stakes driven through them. "Ouch", perhaps. But really, he took everyone's sins onto himseld and just kind of...went for it. That's a pretty noble thing to do.


5. Water into wine? My good sir, you've captivated my heart and soul! I like a nice chardonnay, if you don't mind.

I could go on, but I think you see the point. It's funny, I've always had this internal struggle as to how I should feel about religion and Jesus and God, but I think in my old age and education, I've finally figured it out. Guys, it is totally cool to not be religious, but to still respect religions beyond the "yeah, they can think whatever they want to" thing. Religion is a meaningful part of people's lives that guide their choices and ways of being, and just because non-believers refute their beliefs and Gods doesn't make them any less real for the believers. Every person has a different ultimate reality that they are accountable to. For me, I am accountable to the ground and the earth when I die, and not the secular "God in heaven" belief - but that is totally cool. You make your own reality and you construct your own understanding of the afterlife (if there is one), which means that I am going to a completely different place than you (if you're Christian or otherwise) when we both die.

I guess the moral to this blog is that Jesus was rad, I'm still a non-secular punk and everyone goes wherever they believe they're going to when they die. So stop worrying and enjoy your life.

The end!

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