Sunday, March 29, 2009

Scissor Paper Rock

I'm blogging from a Starbucks - just so you know.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to retire soon.

My life is ridiculous lately. Just when things hit a high point, then hit a really low low, you know? So, I'm thinkin' that, if I retire, things will just stay level for ever.

I could sleep in every day, jog on beaches in white capri pants, play golf with my fellow retirees and never work again.

Now, in reality, there's no way I can retire at this point in my life. For one thing, I'm not nearly wealthy enough. And for another thing, I think I would get bored.

I like to complain about working - in fact, I love it. But then I have a day off or two, and I remember that I haven't got anything to do ever, except for work.

In an effort to make things feel lighter, I'm wearing sandals. My toes appreciate freedom.

It's a small start.

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