Friday, September 12, 2008

gee golly gosh

Stop shopping at Wal-mart. (!!!)

There's method to this madness. I snagged the current issue of Bitch and am now enlightened on the lady-hatin' ways of Wally-world. Seriously.

Did you know that Wal-mart is currently involved in the biggest class-action lawsuit ever? As many as 1.6 million former female employees are going after the company, citing things like lower wages than their male counterparts and less promotions than them. Not to mention that Wal-mart's got this nasty habit of not re-instating women after they've finished their maternity leave, and not providing adequate healthcare coverage. This is especially shitty, seeing as how women make up 70% of Wal-mart's hourly workforce. Then mix in the poverty level wages that Wal-mart offers and suddenly, well, at least my desire to shop there has gone away.

Wal-mart, you sly dog. You great big, Clifford-esque dog.

Works Cited:

Bitch magazine, of course and this article.

Isn't that cute? I cite my sources. This is quite possibly the first time I've ever bothered to back up my crazy mumblings.

In other news, I'm still living a public (computer) life. I tried to check-up on my baby yesterday, but I got no answers. Literally - Futureshop didn't answer their phone. I'm starting to think maybe she's been kidnapped, and the virus was all just an elaborate hoax. We'll see.

I'll just keep harassing them until they give her back.

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