Friday, September 26, 2008


Okay, so I have a cold.

This is not the worst thing that could happen, however, I do hate getting sick. Especially now that I've started a new job at you-know-where. I am a complete man-baby when I get sick. I refuse to even attempt to function. Leave me alone...I'll be in the bitchcave.

I'm Miss Procrastination because of this slight illness, and I've yet to even start on this new project. I did make a cover page, though, so that makes me feel less like a loser. It's just that I still don't have my laptop back, and whenever I want to work on it I have to drive all the way to my office. And, my friends, I don't like doing that because gas is expensive as fuck. It's getting cheaper recently, which is a breath of fresh air. There for a while, I actually considered turfing the bitchmobile and replacing her with one of those sweet bikes with a basket on the front. But, then I remembered that I'm really lazy and I'd probably just end up having to bum rides off of people and regret selling my car. I am going to probably release the sunbird back into the wild when I move again. In a big city, cars are really just troublesome. Nowhere to park, traffic jams, etc. That's when I can finally make good use of a bus pass and a bicycle. Okay, probably just a bus pass. Plus, I look totally eco-friendly without a car.

Alright, Tootsie-cat and I are going back to bed now.

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