Sunday, January 25, 2009

big city, blinking

I took a quick detour off the normal weekend scheddy to venture off to the greatest city in the world I've been to (so far). Shall I give ye the play-by-play? (You: Yes!)


I of course woke up, like, negative three minutes before I had to leave. Shameless, I know. It was a nice drive, and I ended up hitting the downtown core 'round 1-ish. I have to say, though, the Pattullo bridge being out really has traffic fucked up the ass. Sheesh. Anywho, I got my swagger on at 3 storey HMV and BMO debit had a guest starring role as I per-chazzed the Pavement cd I've been eyeing 4evaz. $28.99 well spent. Deluxe Edition reigns supreme! I also saw the prettiest drag queen of my life and broke my favourite sunglasses, which in turn broke my little heart. I snagged a quickie bite o' ethnic de-lite and vamped it up in Kitsilano (by accident), before finding my way back to where I wanted to be (downtown). Did I mention it cost me $5 to park for 2 hours? They don't make band-aids large enough to cover wounds like that. I got mad elevated near Gastown in the Observation Tower, post-Starbucks, and am in buckets of love with skylines. There really isn't much more that I find breath-taking than twinkling city lights that span for miles. I like places that never sleep. Continuing on...

I hit up Japanese for dinner (which would make that 2 nights in a row, now), and tested my gag jealousy reflex via Facebook mobile. Turns out that I see in green, but hey, let's not talk about it, shall we? I found a 24-hour Shopper's Drug Mart and I said: "Hey, a 24-hour drug store. Now, why on earth would you need one of those? What on earth could you possibly need at 3 in the morning from a drug store?" But then it hit me as hard as it probably just hit you, right? Right. After tiny adventures in the big city, I curled up in bed with Fjola and was hangin' with the Sandman pre-11 pm. Wowee!

This morning I woke up around 8:30 and promptly headed out towards the ocean. I wandered around Crescent Beach for a bit, but I eventually decided that my nipples could probably cut diamonds, so I headed to the mall for some hasty bargain hunting and to get fed. I wandered Old Navy, had breakfast at 'bucks. It was beauty. I bought some biz-caj work clothes and another Radiohead cd for less than $40. Now that is what I call some budget vacation-ing. I was homeward bound by 1, pulled into the driveway around 6. I would have been a little more timely if I had not stopped in a little town called Hope for some dirty, hopeless food....That was a bad joke. Get over it.

And here are the two most interesting things that I experienced on my mini-travels:

1) Did you know that there is Indian Style Chinese Food? Did you know that there is Chinese Style Indian Food? Did you know that both are available in vegetarian and non-vegetarian? But only one of those two are "excotic"? I love Vancouver. Vroom Vroom!
2) There's a rag-time version of Lou Reed's "Walk on the Wild Side". I would know, I heard it on the French radio channel while flippin' for tuneage. It was an amazing experience.

Someone once told me that you should take something from everywhere you go - not necessarily physically take something, but emotionally or spiritually...even just mentally. You know what I took from this? I took a wealth of new knowledge. I took away comfort and a sliver of happiness to add to my growing collection. I took away hope for the future -- my future, and my God, is it as bright as a hundred thousand blinking city lights.

Postcards from the future are better than those from the past.

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