Friday, January 23, 2009

long weekend.

I have 5 days off. This amazes me. I cannot recall the last time I had 5 days away from work.

And here I was hoping they would be relaxing and stress-free.

The imcompetencies of people never cease to entertain me. They also never cease to piss me off to the point of rabid fury. A woman at the post-office couldn't comprehend there being tax on a stamp, and refused to pay it, thus resulting in me having to wait 25 minutes to send a single letter.

The gal in charge of admissions and transcripts at Thompson Rivers Fuckuversity has no clue what a letter of complete withdrawal is, and thus cannot send one to UBSeein' Ya Soon. They can't accept me until they get this letter. They also are refusing to help me out by phoning TRUF-U to help them help me get them the letter. University ruined my life. It ruined it. I am not the first student to do this - this should not be this hard. HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE.

My back hurts, I'm agitated, and my mother won't stop calling me. I'm also bleeding from the unholiest of holies, which makes my emotions sprint from one extreme to the next. I also slept for 19 hours last night. I am still tired.

Did I mention I'm getting a promotion? Did I mention that promotion has an hour long interview attached to it?

I had wanted to get away this weekend to the big city to relax and not think about work or the future or anything. Yes, I'm going to the big city, but I already know it will be neither fun nor relaxing. It's going to be a pointless waste of time and money that will only stress me out further than I already am and make me want to shoot every single person I see in their fucking stupid ugly face. Bang bang.

I'm a little bit bitchy today. Can you tell?

What a way to start off the long weekend that I've been waiting for since mid-December. I think I'm going to go curl up into a little ball and cry for a few hours. That should make me feel at least a little bit better.

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