Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Future Is Now.

Holy moley, it's 2009.

Funny how that happens, hey? Like, you're just minding your own business, feedin' the kids, payin' the bills, when suddenly you have to go out and buy a new calendar because the numbers won't match up anymore. Damn, right?

It feels like I've merely skimmed over the months of 2008, like it's all just a distant memory or a crazy-ass acid dream of some sort. It went by hella fast, for sure. I was going to do a year in review sort of deal, but then I realized that my entire year is documented all proper and shit right here on ye ol' blog (minus January-beginning of March...but those weren't exciting times anyways). Plus, not every moment of this past year I'd like to recall, so I'll just leave it in the past where it belongs.

My new year's eve was mediocre, at best. I went over to Scoot-o's place for some alcohol infused fun, which turned out to be the very opposite because I barely drank anything due to having to work at noon the next day. There was also gay boy antics, in which Scott was absolutely certain that Ross was trying to steal Dylan. And this is when I was all "wtf, mate?" and passed out on the sofa. Easy fix. And something else charming? My boss (Kelly Muthafuckin' Mcpherson) made an impromptu celebrity appearance at the soiree, drank her cute little face off and had a good snuggle with the porcelain, if you get what I'm saying. Adorable! Btdubz, my new year's smoochie was Mr. Dylan, all homo and sippin' the vodka sauce. So good.

I made some resolutions, of course, as I do every year. The only difference about this year's is that I actually intend on sticking to them...which I say every year. So, here they are, in no particular order:

1) Be zen It's so much easier to just move on than to dwell on things and be a grumpy bitch. It's funner to be a grumpy bitch, but I find that people have a tendency to like you a whole lot less. I just want to be pretty, bright and bubbly constantly.
2) No more Starbucks That's a lie. It's more like...Starbucks in moderation. And no pastries, because I flipped through the nutritional guide the other day, and trust me: that shit is sick.
3) Be sooo good at yoga Self-explanatory. In the words of a close friend, I just want to fold.
4) Invest Like, the economy is all fucked and whatever, so I figure now's a good time to make significant contributions to my RRSP. I'd like to retire when I'm 40. Is that too ambitious?
5) Go green! Because I love the earth, and I want it to be preserved for Summer and her babies one day. Everyone's babies!

I read my horoscope briefly today, and this is what my year is going to look like. I like the one I read in the Province newspaper a lot better, though. You go, Georgia Nicols!

And to wrap things up, let me tell you about my last year's new year's festivities. I watched Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire movies with two of my favourite people. It was lovely, and it seems like just yesterday that it happened. I was told once that life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.

Am I going to die soon?

PTFO, life.

P.S. My hurr is teint de rouge. Merci, Clairol!
P.P.S. I'm off the market, officially. I am no longer selling shares of FMCG at the TSX. Muah! <3

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