Saturday, November 15, 2008

Need a little time to wake up, wake up.

Have you ever heard anything by Beulah? I'm listening to "If We Can Land a Man on the Moon then Surely I Can Win Your Heart". It's quite possibly the longest song title I've seen, but that has no affect whatsoever on the quality of the song. It's ballin'.

Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat? We start filming tomorrow morning. I am Jack's sense of excitement. And guess what very special director gets to make a cameo in the film as a soccer mom? C'est moi. Seriously, this film is going to be off the hizzy.

Wait, have I even shared the news yet? Yessir, film numero 2 is in living colour. We start tomorrow morning, bright and early...hence the title of this post. Also, because I am chained to the mirror and the razor blade. Kidding! Or am I? This one is going to be mighty tasty, lemme tell ya. I'm not releasing any other tidbits about it until she's done, so you can just learn a little thing we like to call patience in Canada. Yes? Yes.

I heard the best but worst joke the other day about Sarah Palin. If you are easily offended, stop reading now. Still here? K.

"What do Sarah Palin's mouth and vagina have in common?

...Retarded things come out of both of them." - Alex, Thursday night.

Guess who can't stop urinating? I am Jack's hyperactive kidneys.

Love you!


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