Friday, June 27, 2008

rather be a crab than have 'em.

I'm having one of those days where I just feel intensely DC comic. Like, beyond super human. There ain't no kryptonite gon' get me down. No sir.

I've started writing the script I've had floating around my cranium for a bit. Same dealio as the last film. It's on the shorter side, and again is produced with assistance of my film-making compadre. I like this as a small hobby. It's much better than taking up, oh I don't know....cocaine addiction? Just sayin'. Anywho, this new "script" is fairly promising so far, but I really have to wonder if it'll be worth it in the end. I had the same doubts with the first film, too, though. Wait and see; that's what mama always said.

Lobster lady, ahoy - I got sunburnt today. I really should invest in SPF 90 sunscreen. Actually, I should just stay indoors. Whatever, my back is bumpin' right now, and I'm pretty sure my skin will be peeling off faster than clothes in a titty bar in no time at all. That's the thing that really steams my broccoli; most people, when they burn, eventually have it fade into a nice chocolatey tan. I, on the other hand, either A) remain burnt as fuck for the rest of the summer or B) have my skin peel off and go back to a lovely shade of bleached chalk with just a little "teint de rose". I've seen correction fluid with better colour than me. Oooo...correction fluid. Say that one out loud and try not to giggle. Better yet, next time your wandering around the office, ask a male co-worker if he has any correctional fluid he can spare. Christina said it best: dirrrty.

Oww, my epidermis.

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