Sunday, June 29, 2008

Madonna said it best.

I never fully realized the connecting power of music until tonight.

I was listening to Hole with, of all people, my father. I'm just up for the weekend visiting, and popped in some tunage for dinnertime. He was immediately smitten with Courtney's "whiskey and 3 pack a day" voice, and lyrical talent. Inquistive gal that I am, I had to know why pops was so into "Doll Parts".

"I don't know. I like the words."

Touch down! I realized right then and there that almost anyone can relate to any song, as long as the lyrics are applicable to their own life. Not exactly rocket science, I know, but the magnitude of this tasty tidbit never really hit home until this evening. My dad is a man big on the likes Kris Kristofferson and Aaron Neville. Hole? It doesn't seem plausible, but it's the words, man, the words! Music appeals if you can relate to it! The world makes so much sense now.

Oh, I'm a tool. A correct tool, but nonetheless...a tool.

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