Thursday, May 8, 2008


Some days just drag on forever.

I got up this morning at 6:30 so that I'd be on time for an exam at 8. I'm a tad sluggish in the mornings, and as a non-coffee drinker, I tend to have the pep of a 90-year-old on their deathbed. I feel like the exam didn't go so well, and the worst part is that I had to pay $50 to take it. WTF, right? Oh well.

After 4 hours of exam writing, I had the joy of dealing with a group of obnoxiously loud actors who have the same demeanour as 4-year-olds after a box of Smarties. And in two hours? Rinse. Repeat. And then again tomorrow morning, as well as tomorrow night. The good part is that I get to go to a wrap-up party afterwards, which means free drinks and partially good company. I like when I can find the bright side of things. Also, I get paid tomorrow. Fuckin' yeah!

I cleaned out my car today, which was long overdue. I had like, a pound of kitty litter scattered throughout my trunk, and let me tell you, that shit is hard to vacuum up. The bitchmobile is smellin' fresh now though, and I am once again looking and feeling fly when I'm cruising.

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