Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Went and saw 'Iron Man' last night. (Yeah, that's a little Black Sabbath in the title up there. What? You couldn't tell?)

While I am proud that Robert Downey Jr. managed to stay off the sauce long enough to shoot a half-decent film, I'm still pretty disappointed with what came out of it. The plot feels a bit iffy, it drags on forever and, well, it's boring. Shit, someone had to say it. To make things even worse, there was an advert for a new 'Incredible Hulk' film with (get this) Edward Norton as the headliner. WTF, right? 1) They already made that movie. 2) It's fucking Edward Norton. I'm not saying the man lacks cool points, I'm just saying that it's fucking Edward Norton. You saw 'The People vs. Larry Flynt', didn't you? and 3) Even if this is a completely different plot from the other 'Hulk' movie with Eric Banana-Rama, they could have at least given the title some deviation. Think: Batman Begins. Spider-Man 2. You get the picture by now, I'm sure. I digress, though...we were chatting about 'Iron Man', weren't we? It wasn't completely unfortunate; it had it's moments worth a guffaw or two. There's also Gwyneth Paltrow's presence, which was strange and interesting, seeing as how I can't recall her being in anything since 'Sky Captain and blah blah blah'. Her face is looking weirder than before. I think it has something to do with the new hair colour she's sporting for this flick.

Well, to end it all off, I'd say don't bother stepping out for this one. It's not worth the $8.95 or that weird "booty-lock" thing you get from theatre seats, unless you're hardcore into seeing comics-gone-cinema.


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