Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Can we talk?

I feel so accomplished these days.

Actually, scratch that. I feel so accomplished since yesterday, and I'm riding high on a wave of perpetual bliss. It's short-term, I'm sure, so I'm savouring it. Anyways, squeeee, I finally made a short film with a film-maker friend o' mine. Seriously, we've talked about doing something along these lines for 2 years, and we finally found time enough to do it. Thank you, Victoria Day.

It's only about 10 minutes long, and we got all the footage we needed yesterday in about 5 hours. Hopefully we'll get all the editing done on it today (about another 3 or 4 hours), so that it will be finished by the 30th. And why is the 30th so important, you ask? Well, we're putting our little beauty in an arts gala.

So. Fuckin'. Fresh.

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