Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Happy birthday, Canada.

I hope Canada's other 10 million or so inhabitants enjoyed it, because I sure as fuck didn't.

Canada day scheddy:

10 am - rolled out of bed and felt much like the A&W rootbeer bear. Duh-duhduh-duhduh-duh-dum
12 pm - went to work and spent 6 amazing hours in a red polyester vest. Ugh. I will say this much: at least it's air conditioned.
6 pm - finally got off....and left work, too. Zing! However, was disappointed to find that everyone was all planned up already.

I could have gone downtown to watch fireworks and spend time with the girls, but it's hard enough to find parking on any ol' day, nevermind a national holiday. I am told the traffic was insane. This is for the best, though, that I was unable to join in on the Canada day boat-scursion. Why, you ask? Well, the lovely ladies are stranded in the middle of the lake on their super fresh boat as we speak. Well, unless you're reading this past it's expiration date; I can then assure you that they're safe at home...I think. Yeah, they holla'd via cellphones to say "Hey, we're stranded in the middle of a lake. Don't worry, though; we'll figure it out. Meet us at the docks around 2am-ish. Love ya!"

So, I spent Canada day alone. This is no great feat, considering that I spend most holidays alone. Christmas? Alone. Easter? Rocked it solo. Valentine's Day? One is the loneliest number. St. Patrick's Day? ...who cares? So so so, I'm not too down about it, as you can see. I have to admit though, it would have been somewhat fun to get my face painted and eat cotton candy. Wow, that can be taken in a really dirty way. Oo.

Anyways, in my spur of boredom I managed to achieve: nothing. I could have been script writing, or life planning, or even baking. All I did was watch a movie, eat chips and made my face up to look like the late (and great) Edie Sedgwick.

"Andy. Andy, do you want the people? You have fabulous people."

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