Thursday, December 11, 2008

en meme temps.

Ho, ho, ho.

Jessica flew in from Calgary tonight; boy, were her arms tired. Hurkhurkhurk.

Speaking of tired...that'd be me. Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Slavery has given me a charming 43 hours this week, 43 next week, and 46 the following week. I do, however, get to enjoy Christmas eve sans labour. And that, boys and girls, is the only day off I get for the next little while. I would complain a little more, but really, I did this to myself. I made my mocha-laden bed, and now I will lie in it. Shucks.

In other news, when I say I'm illin' lately, it don't mean I'm coo'. Methinks I'm a few white blood cells short. Fuuuuuck. Mama always said try to take good care of yourself, but lately I've been putting myself on the back burner. Who has time to be mindful of their own well-being when there's like, 40 gazillion other important things to handle throughout my day? I'm the CEO of FMcG - I ain't got time for any other shit.

So here's a ground-breaking idea for you to ponder tonight while you're laying in bed, unable to sleep: in order to sustain diversity, we have to promote hate and intolerance to a certain degree. Think about it. If people like each other too much, varying races will intermingle and create new flavours of offspring until eventually everyone will be 5% asian, 5% african, 5% caucasian, etc. So so so, if we like this little mosaic of diversity our world's got going on, we've gotta stop fuckin' around so much. I'm not saying you can't feel mad love for your homies from the east or the south or whereever, I'm just sayin' don't feel it so much, you know? It's just an interesting thought to think, so give 'er.

I have to go to bed now; I'm due up and out by 4:30 (in the a.m.) to steam some 'nog for a bunch of queen bees and wannabes.

Fuckin' holidays.

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