Saturday, April 26, 2008

Negligent Bitch

I'm so cranky.

I've got a lot of stress floating in the ol' bloodstream as of late, and I simply cannot find time to do the things I actually want to do. It sucks madcore amounts of feces, and I'm hoping that things will start looking up (probably) around mid-May.

So, uhh...funny story. Not particularly "ha ha" funny,'ll see. So, a month back, myself and some friends were vamping it up in an old cemetery near my homestead late at night. We were rockin' the paranormal researcher angle, and it was a solid deposit into the memory bank. Well, on our departure in my car, the ladies were distracting my and I managed to back into a fairly dense mound of dirt. Also, I drive it like I stole it and hit the bitch at about 35 km/h going backwards - not so good. Everything seemed fine, though. No damage, no dings - nada. Here's the recent strain of this, though: the other day I noticed my muffler was flying lower than usual. Being the handy-woman that I like to think I am, I grabbed the muffler and pulled it back up. It seemed fine. Then, a day later, I noticed the muffler hanging even lower, so again, I pulled it back up and it again seemed fine. No biggie, right? Well, this soon turned out to be a daily ritual, and every time I got into the car, I'd make a pit stop to the rear and yank up the muff. Last night, I had someone who actually knows what they're doing when it comes to cars look at it, and guess what? That dirt mound fucked up my muffler. I managed to snap the pipe off somewhere up the line, and eventually the muffler will just...fall off. And when it does bite the dust, ye ol' Sunbird is going to be plenty loud. Dope. In the mean time, though, it's suspended quite securely with, of all things, a coat hanger. The one instrument typically reserved for polyester suits and back alley abortions was the necessary tool to "fix" the bitchmobile. So trailer park chic.

It's great.

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