Sunday, July 20, 2008

green machine

The mountain was a no go.

Drove up there last night after work to be greeted by a man with a heavy accent and a woman who looked vaguely like a female Jon Stewart. The lodgings that were promised to us as being "amazing" was essentially a crack shack in the middle of the woods. Disappointment is a five letter word, and it rhymes with shlabin.

So we decided to drink absinthe on a beach instead.

I felt fine all night; felt good all morning. I ate a cinnamon bun and drank some coffee on the waterfront. I never get hang overs....well, I never used to. Half an hour ago or so...oh, man. I'm feelin' the green drink workin' it's devil magic. My stomach is a tsunami.

Goddamn. I have to go to work like this.

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